Competitor Analysis
We learned during our Lean Entrepreneurship classes, that a product or service should be developed based on a problem of a specific target segment and offer a successful solution for that problem.
When doing so, the start-up should however also analyze, what potential competitors do and how diversification of the own product or service compared to these other business can be achieved.
In order to get a good overview of all the competitors that might influence the success of PickUsUp, the team brainstormed and came up with the following businesses that may pose a threat to our start-up: Public Transportation, Taxi, Private Drivers as well as Uber, since we assume that Uber will reenter sooner or later into the Portuguese market.
The following table gives an on overview over each competitor, as well as an analysis of their target customer, their specific strength, value proposition and their costs.
Afterwards, the competitors were evaluated on five attributes. This evaluation was visualized in a Competitors Radar to determine the differences and resemblances between the different companies in an easily understandable way.