The Value Curve of PickUsUp
One of the tasks during the work on PickUsUp was the development of a value curve. In a first step, a value curve determines the attributes a company is performing on and that they assume to be important performance attributes for their customers.
Afterwards, the company as well as the most important competitor are evaluated on each of these attributes and two value curves are drawn. This offers the opportunity to immediately compare the value proposition offered by the company as well as its competitor.
During our class, the team of PickUsUp developed the following value curve after agreeing on the attributes mentioned:
However, we wanted to validate the attributes we had selected and analyze whether the customers also see these attributes as the most important ones. Therefore we set up an online survey and asked people to rate 15 different attributes on their importance for the service offered by PickUsUp. The attributes that could be selected were the following: Personal Safety, Friendliness, Experience, Convenience (of having the car at home the next morning), Helpfulness, Price, Different from other driving services, Availability of service, Trust & Credibility, Innovative, Ease of Use, Demonstrating Responsibility, Spped of being picked up, Dress code of drivers, Exciting.
Eventually, we received 149 responses to our survey that led to the following results:
The value curve displayed below shows the 8 attributes that received the highest ratings in our survey with Trust & Credibility being rated as most important and the other 7 attributes following in descending order of their ratings.
We adjusted our value curve based on the opinion of potential customers and concluded that we have to focus on the credibility of our service, for example by providing certificates for our drivers.