Interview Results
We conducted a total of interviews. Thereof, were conducted with the young target segment and
were conducted with the old target segment.
We questioned a total of women and men.

Young Segment
Tested Hypothesis CS01 | CS02 | VP01 | VP02 | RS01 | KA01 | CH01
Details about the Young Customer Segment
From the 20 people that we interviewed, 60% were men and 70% use IOS as an operating system on their phones.

How they perceive their car
When confronted with the question "What does your car mean to you?", we received -amongst others- the following answers:

"Using car is a mean of convenience, I feel I am free to go out anytime, anywhere without having problems with the public transportation schedules. I also feel that I’m more secure using my own car."
"I have a car because it is more convenient, I don’t have to be worried with other schedules and I can bring everything I want with me. Furthermore, I also believe it gives some status."
"I do not like using public transportation, therefore, the car is my best option. It is also very convenient and an absolute everyday need."
"The car is absolutely more comfortable than other means of transportation. It is also more effective since I can bring whatever I want with me and I can reach places faster than with public transports."

Usage of apps
In order to gain an overview of the target segment's behavior when it comes to the usage of apps on their smartphone, we asked the following question: "Do you use apps as a mean of sharing things or even to buy or book services?"
Going out and using the car
Since our customers will use the service of PickUsUp when driving their own car but consuming alcohol, we wanted to gain a deeper understanding of the situations in which the need for the PickUsUp service could arise:
On average, the questioned young adults go out twice a week to drink coffee with friends at night.
Additionally, most members of the target group go out on Fridays and Saturdays to attend parties or meet friends in bars.
When questioned about the usage of their own car when going out, we received the following answers:

We also wanted to know whether young adults see "having their car at home after a night out" as an important topic and what opinion they have on this topic:
"It is very important. I do everything with my car. In case I do not have my car with me, I can ask my parents to drive me to pick it up, but I do not feel comfortable in doing that."
"Yes, it is totally important! I need my car every day, and picking it up in the next day, after a party for instance, it is not good. Actually, I feel that is kind of embarrassing for me to let the car at an unattended place and saying that I did it because I was drunk."
"Definitely important! I also use my car as a mean of transportation, also because I don’t have public transports near my place. Therefore, it is crucial to have my car always with me."

"I cannot abandon my car at some unattended place, I have to come back home with my car. I do not want it to be damaged."

In order to see the typical behavior of young adults owning cars when they go out and consume alcohol, we asked the following question:
"In case you don’t have money to spend on a taxi and you are drunk, will you stay and sleep in the car or will you risk driving drunk?"
From a variety of statements, the interviewees were asked to select the three most important problems that they encounter when going out:
1. None of my friends wants to be designated driver for a night out.
2. I don’t like to leave my car at an unattended place.
3. Many times I end up drinking alcohol without planning it.
Offering the PickUsUp Service
Based on the problem of drinking & driving which was discussed during the interview, we explained the service offered by PickUsUp to the young adults and asked them how much they would value such a service on a scala from 0 (very low) to 10 (very high).
Since we want to gain more insights on the thoughts and feelings of our potential customers, we asked them about their feelings when knowing that a service like the one of PickUsUp is available and how it would change their night:

"Maybe, the first time I use the service, I would feel nervous because I do not know how the driver will be and how they will put the scooter in the trunk of my car."
"I would feel both more relaxed and responsible. I would not have to be so worried about being caught by the police."
"I would feel more relaxed and responsible. Additionally, I would feel that it is ok to drink a little more. Probably I would also tell my mom what I did, since she is always warning me about not driving drunk."

"I would feel less worried and with more freedom since I would have a good option."
To determine the preferred contact option for requesting the PickUsUp service, we asked the interviewees what option out of calling or usage of app/ online request they would choose:

Entrusting an unknown person your car is a big issue. Therefore our drivers have a certificate of their driving experience to facilitate the trust of our users. We wanted to know the view of potential users on this topic and what they perceive as important for the trustability of a service like PickUsUp.
Most interviewees indicated that they would entrust their car to PickUsUp drivers only if they would have a certification that proves their experience and this certificate needs to be visibly displayed.
Furthermore, they also stated that the company would need to have an insurance to anticipate some accidents that could occur.
Additionally, people also mentioned that they would value the opportunity of giving reviews since it is a good mean of transparency and new users are likely to analyze the previous experiences of other users.

Paying for the PickUsUp Service
In order to gain a feeling for how much our customers might be willing to spend for using our service, we asked them to imagine a normal taxi drive between Santos and Campo Pequeno costing 10€. Based on this price, how much more would the customer be willing to pay when using our service and being taken home together with their own car?
Additional comments from our interviewees
We asked our interviewees if they had any additional comments or opinions on the service offered by PickUsUp.
"I think the drivers should be friendly, not someone with a very rigid attitude, but rather someone with a cool appearance."
"I think this service should have a competitive price. It is the only way that PickUsUp can be competitive regarding the substitutes services. I understand that we are talking about convenience but the price will be what people will pay more attention to."
"The App should be very user-friendly. Additionally, regarding the service itself, it needs to be a small range of time from the moment I request the driver, until he arrives. Otherwise, in case it takes too long, I prefer to go by taxi, I do not like to wait a lot."

Older Segment
Tested Hypothesis CS01 | CS03 | VP01 | VP02 | RS01 | KA01 | CH01
Details about the Older Customer Segment
From the 15 people that we interviewed, 69% were men and 56% use IOS as an operating system on their phones.

"The car is an absolute need for me, it is very convenient not to have any constraints regarding schedules or places. Additionally, I also consider it more secure."
How they perceive their car
When confronted with the question "What does your car mean to you?", we received -amongst others- the following answers:

"The car brings me status for sure, however, most of all, I feel that is much more comfortable to use it everywhere I go."

Usage of apps
In order to gain an overview of the target segment's behavior when it comes to the usage of apps on their smartphone, we asked the following question: "Do you use apps as a mean of sharing things or even to buy or book services?"
We can observe a distinctive difference in the usage behavior of the older segment compared to the young segment.
"It is actually really important. I use my car for everything. For instance, when going shopping or going out the car is indispensable since public transportation is not an option for me."
"Having the car at home with me is crucial. I truly cannot imagine myself without having my car whenever I need it."
We also wanted to know whether members of the older segment see "having their car at home after a night out/ having dinner out" as an important topic and what opinion they have on this topic:
Going out and using the car
Since our customers will use the service of PickUsUp when driving their own car but consuming alcohol, we wanted to gain a deeper understanding of the situations in which the need for the PickUsUp service could arise:
We asked for the usage of their own car when going out and received the following answers:
We can conclude, that members of the older target segment always use their own car, e.g. when going out for dinner and do not share cars.

When questioned about whether the individuals had ever left their car at the place they went to -during a reasonable age, not considering their youth- all of the interviewees negated the statement.
We were also interested in whether a driver who consumed alcohol is replaced by their husband/ wife.
The majority of the interviewees, who have a partner, revealed that the husband/wife wants to replace them whenever they drink too much, however, despite they are above the alcohol limit, they prefer to drive the car anyways.
From a variety of statements, the interviewees were asked to select the three most important problems that they encounter when going out, e.g. for a dinner with friends:
1. It is a big problem for me not to have my car at my home in the morning.
2. My dinners at a restaurant/friends’ house usually include some alcoholic beverages.
3. I would value having a trustable driver to drive me and my family home after dinner with alcohol consumption.
To determine the preferred contact option for requesting the PickUsUp service, we asked the interviewees what option out of calling or usage of app/ online request they would choose:
Since the majority of the members of the older target segment prefer to use the phone, we asked them whether they might change their opinion if we offer them a price advantage of 10-20% if they use the app to request the PickUsUp service.
However, the great majority of the interviewees answered that this offer would not make a difference for them and they would still prefer to call.
"I would be more relaxed since I would not have to keep thinking about the possibility of encountering the police. Absolutely, I would feel more responsible."
"I would feel like I could enjoy the night more and drink without having to worry about the “after”. At the same time, it would be great to know that my family and my car would arrive home safely."
Offering the PickUsUp Service
Based on the problem of drinking & driving which was discussed during the interview, we explained the service offered by PickUsUp to the young adults and asked them how much they would value such a service on a scala from 0 (very low) to 10 (very high).
Since we want to gain more insights on the thoughts and feelings of our potential customers, we asked them about their feelings when knowing that a service like the one of PickUsUp is available and how it would change their night:

Entrusting an unknown person your car is a big issue. Therefore our drivers have a certificate of their driving experience to facilitate the trust of our users. We wanted to know the view of potential users on this topic and what they perceive as important for the trustability of a service like PickUsUp.
Most interviewees highlighted the importance of having a certification proving that PickUsUp drivers are reliable. People are willing to trust this service, however, there are some factors that the company needs to take care of.
For instance, regarding the clothing, the older segment mentioned that making a good first impression is crucial, they need to seem a respectable and responsible person.
Additionally, the interviewees definitely value the reviews process, they feel that they would feel more comfortable in using the service in case others have shared a positive experience.

Paying for the PickUsUp Service
In order to gain a feeling for how much our customers might be willing to spend for using our service, we asked them to imagine a normal taxi drive between Santos and Campo Pequeno costing 10€. Based on this price, how much more would the customer be willing to pay when using our service and being taken home together with their own car?
We observed that the willingness to pay is definitely higher in the older segment.
"I have to highlight the importance of hiring the right drivers, they need to be trustable. Additionally, they should receive training to improve the quality of the service. As a last point, so not forget that when the driver arrives to the customer, he needs to show some ID to prove that he is a PickUsUp driver."
"Marketing should be PickUsUp's big bet. It is a crucial strategy that will define the whole success of the business."
Additional comments from our interviewees
We asked our interviewees if they had any additional comments or opinions on the service offered by PickUsUp.