Meet the team of PickUsUp!
We met during a class of Lean Entrepreneurship at Católica-Lisbon where we are all getting our Master's degree.
Together, we bring to you the service of PickUsUp.
Below, you can see the organizational set up of the start-up as well as our roles and tasks!

João is a Portuguese student of Strategy and Consulting.
He graduated from Economics with a Bachelor's degree, but then decided to pursue another direction -management- in order to boost his creativity.
He was born in Portalegre, capital of the High Alentejo district. It's a small city in the countryside, close to Spain and has just over 20,000 inhabitants. His personality is closely related with the Alentejo “way of being “: few but present instead of many but temporary. “Homeland, God, Family and Friends” is one of his great passions, without being an extremist. Lisbon is his second city and he will never forget his origins that he appreciates deeply.
In our Team, João is the Visionary, pointing out new solutions and having clear ideas about what should happen or be done in the future.

Carolin is a German student of Management, majoring in Strategy & Consulting.
She is passionate about seeing new places and taking in the atmosphere of new cities. This is why she chose to get her Master’s degree in Portugal and Poland after getting her Bachelor's degree in Germany and the US. Even though most of her friends think that picking these two countries for her Master's is some kind of crazy, she has loved her experience so far.
Once she graduates, she wants to see more of the world and live in Asia and Israel for several months before starting a career in consulting. Currently, she cannot imainge yet to stay in one place for very long!
She is always on the hunt for a new café or restaurant to try local dishes and will never say no to a dinner at a cool place! Once you know her, she can become quite talkative and tell you tons of stories.
In our team, Carolin is the Hacker, managing the blog content and set-up to keep all of you up to date on what is going on!

Filipe is a Portuguese student who has been changing his field of study throughout his life. Being initially interested in science & technology, he ended up graduating in economics and is currently studding marketing and strategy.
Filipe lives in the “Margem Sul”, in Montijo, a typical Portuguese city known for its 3 main historical industry activities: flowers, cork and porks. As a result, he has a great passion for nature and all countryside related activities. Despite all his traditional and national values, Filipe also likes to travel and visite new places.
He has visitied most European capitals as well as some North and South American cities and lived in Italy for 4 months during his Erasmus program.
Filipe is addicted to all aviation related issues and sees himself working in this area in the future.
In our team, Filipe is the hustler, responsible for getting in contact with people in order to gain insights about customer preferences for a good development of our service.

Beatriz is Portuguese and Canadian, a good combination of both latin and northern styles.
She is a joyful person, passionate about many things, but the ones that stand out are work, music, travelling and people.
Since she is determined to pursue an international career, she has been absorbing all the knowledge from several worldwide cultures. Corporate Social Responsibility is where she imagines herself succeeding in the future.
In our team, Beatriz is the designer and she has the responsibility of putting all work together and improve it to end up with reliable presentations.

Romane Soulié is a French student. After her bachalaureat with honour, she decided to study philosophy and literature for 2 years. Then, shifting completely, she directly went to a 3rd year undergratuate program of economy and management that led her to a first year master degree of political science in Moscow. She then joined a French business school and specialised in digital marketing. Now she is doing her erasmus at Católica Lisbon.
She likes learning, discovering and facing new cultures. Hence, she decided to dedicate her next semester to a micro-credit organization in Asia understanding and analyzing how can we promote financial resilience by achieving social objectives – reaching the excluded and empower the disadvantaged.
She played the clarinet for more than 10 years and enjoys listening to classical music. She really believes that music can gather people and is an international language between different cultures.
In our team, Romane is also a hustler, seeking, analyzing, peeping and listening to the customers.