Meeting 4.0: 13.05.2015

Our PickUsUp team arranged a fourth group meeting for Wednesday, May 13th.
From the feedback that we had obtained during our class on Monday 11th, and the new topics that we were taught, we needed the meeting in order to split the tasks that we had to work on during this week, but we also had to discuss some topics that would define how the business model would be developed in the future.
After preparing the “To Do” list, we went through all the topics that needed to be covered and discussed different perspectives that each member had in their minds. These weekly meeting are essential to put our ideas in order, to define a path that needs to be common for all of us, so that all of our work is developed with having an identical goal in mind. On this week’s “To Do” list, topics ranged from determining the activities of PickUsUp, analyzing a performed process in a process diagram, determining the tasks of the different HR resources of PickUsUp and developing an app to establishing a more detailed SEO approach.
During the meeting, we discussed a process diagram that displays all the actions that are implicit in our service. One of the members had already prepared a draft and after looking at it, we exchanged our ideas and finished some points that were still not clear. A new idea was implemented when discussing the process diagram: since we want our customers to experience PickUsUp as a reliable service, we implemented a code feature which helps to guarantee the identity of a driver when the customer is picked up.
We also talked about the prototype of the app that we wanted to create to determine what kind of features we wanted the client to be provided with. We defined some critical features that would give an idea of how the future app could work. For instance, a page showing the available drivers and the fact that the clients are asked to rate their driver after using PickUsUp, are all part of our service and we believe most of the clients will value them highly. During the week, a first approach for the prototype was developed. Later on, it was improved based on the feedback from various group members.
Since we had been given the recommendation to analyze different transport options for our drivers, we had to select which means of transport we wanted to compare to determine the best cost structure possible. We came up with ideas such as a partnership with mob Carsharing, buying cars, establishing a partnership with public transports, amongst others. It was necessary to understand which of the options would make more sense for a service like PickUsUp in terms of costs but also in terms of speed of the drivers when picking up customers. Eventually, we realized that the option of using scooters would still be the cheapest solution for our service.
When splitting tasks, we tried to consider not only what the role of each group-member is, but also what each member had been doing for the past weeks. For instance, the one that was more responsible for the cost structure would continue to work on cost-related tasks. At the same time, this approach helped us to determine the different positions in our HR structure which we were supposed to prepare for the next class.